

General Information[edit]

Zero is the original survival world on Minr, consisting of an overworld, nether, and end. It was the only world to exist before the Theta and Delta worlds were created. When Theta was created, Resource Parkour was closed to make Zero pure survival. WorldEdit and scripts are no longer given in Zero. The zero world extends 32k blocks in the X and Z directions.

Since Zero was the original world, many of the courses are hosted in this world. Additionally, the world was never reset. This made it rather unfit for pure survival, causing the inception of Delta. Now, Zero is no longer used for building, nor for pure survival. It has mostly become a legacy world where old builds are held.

Important Areas[edit]


Built near Zero's origin, X was the main hub of activity for the server's very early history. It is dotted with old buildings, shopping areas, a railway system, pixel arts, and oak plank bridges going across the area.

One of the biggest landmarks of the area is the Wall of Fame. The building holds signs staff have placed for players who beat Hardcore, and this area is close to where blues are warped after completing Jiga's Claymaze.

Another landmark of X is the giant TNT build. This build houses most of the first Hardcore version, containing both Skytop Labyrinth and Old Level 2. A ladder on top of the TNT leads the player into an inaccessible viewing area for Old Level 2 that cannot be reached otherwise.

Some maps exist in X, though most are on the outskirts of the area. The only maps within X proper are Skytop Labyrinth, Old Level 2, and Chillers' Door Maze. Maps within 500 blocks of X include Wooly Creeper, Jiga's Claymaze, Breaking Free, PB&J, Old J's Jumpcourse, and Skyworks.

Because of it's importance, X has seen a few add-on updates throughout the years. A tour was added that takes the player across X and beyond, showcasing trivia and the early history of the place. The 10th Anniversary cake area giving the 10th Birthday Hat was made 500 blocks from X. An 11th Birthday Hat and search was made to explore X as well.

FFA Airship[edit]

Before maps were joined in spawn, they were all stored in the FFA Airship. Players would teleport to the airship from spawn, where they would access most of FFA in different sections of the ship. There was also a minigame hub at the bottom of the ship. On the deck is a warp to FFA+, the reoccuring challenge board, a board of new maps, and the map of the week (Space Jump before the change was made).

Eventually, it was deemed confusing to separate spawn and FFA. Starting with City Spawn, maps were located in spawn itself, and the airship was retired.


Fairville is a plot world with a giant domed building in the center. This was the warp that would take Greens+ to places like Resource Parkour and Mimic. The Hall of Fame is housed in the central building, where Greens+ also go to have their head placed and a quote.

The plot area did not see much use, though two maps were built as a challenge to fit a map in a chunk: Tulip Among Grass and Tulip Among Tulip.


Chinatown was a plot-like area with small scale buildings. The area used to be bigger, but much of it was removed due to griefing.


Fortuna is a desert casino town akin to Las Vegas. Not many players made their homes here, but the ones that did built skyscraper-style buildings. The only map to be made in the area was Spiders' Lab.

Vurture City[edit]

Vurture City is a city block styled area with several skyscrapers scattered throughout. Some of the builds in the area include Lapis Plaza, 'Napped, and Ninja Warrior.

Zero Overworld Map[edit]

Server renders of the Zero overworld have been made over the years. These renders can be found with this link.


  • The server IP has Zero in it because Zero was the original world on minr.
  • The name for the creative worlds, Theta, was devised due to the character looking similar to a zero.