WARNING: This page is kept for history and will not be updated. Some information here is inaccurate due to the release of Mount Minr.
The Valley is a location in Zero where green+ members can play maps that were once in FFA but were removed due to lack of quality. Some of these maps include Zara’s Dark Maze, Job Crisis, and Sarcasm Parkour.
The Valley was originally designed as a hub for free resources, with a planned area to get free crops and a cobblestone generator (2011-2012). This idea was later scrapped, and the area was repurposed for housing maps that fell outside of FFA.
Maps Located In The Valley[edit]
There are three sections of maps in the Valley: maps that were removed from FFA, maps that are modified versions of other maps, and maps that were never in FFA (often built for the Valley).
Maps Removed from FFA[edit]
- Note not all these maps can be beaten or accessed due to updates in Minecraft or other reasons.
Modified Maps[edit]
Maps Never in FFA[edit]
Happy Fun Time Tower of Vertical Ascension and Grandure!
- Project Sierra was temporarily located in the Valley after a plagiarism issue, but has since been returned to FFA.