Command List

Revision as of 03:07, 22 March 2020 by CreepaShadowz (talk | contribs) (Remove mod/op sections, remove rocket)

Commands are used on Zero to navigate the server, join maps and assist in building, among other uses. The player can execute any command granted to them by their rank, or any lower ranks.

General Commands

Note that /c, /cp, /mcp and /checkpoint are all aliases of /minrcheckpoint. /ch, /challenge and /minrchallenge are all aliases of /minrchallenges.
When referencing a map, you can either use its name, or the map code (usually a three-letter abbreviated form of the map’s name, such as “aws” for “A Whittle Story” or “anh” for “ANHUR”). This can usually be found on the map's checkpoint sign.




Displays help information



Kills the player. They will respawn at their checkpoint.


/mail <player> <subject> [message]

Will send a message to a player, regardless if they are online or not. The message will be viewable at any time (until deleted).

/mail delete <number>

Will delete a message a player has received.

/mail list

Lists all of the messages a player has received.

/mail read

Displays a message to the player.


/me <message>
/minecraft:me <message>(vanilla)

Roleplaying command. Displays * playername <message> in chat.


/message <player> <message>
/m <player> <message> (alias)
/msg <player> <message> (alias)
/tell <player> <message> (alias)
/whisper <player> <message> (alias)

Sends a private message to a player.

/minecraft:msg (vanilla)
/minecraft:tell (vanilla)

Uses the vanilla command to send a private message to a player.


An alias of /mail.



Pings the server. The server pongs the player back.
Can also be used to play ping-pong with the server.



Teleports the player to spawn.


/t  (alias)

Sends a message to everyone in the player's team (if they are in one).



Displays information about the player.

Checkpoint and Maps

These pertain specifically to maps.


/c completed [player] <map name|map code>

Checks how many times a player has completed a map, and their fastest time. If omitted, player defaults to the executor.


/c cp [player]

Displays checkpoint information about a player. If omitted, player defaults to the executor.


/c ffa [player] [page] [compare mode]

Displays a list of all the maps a player has beaten, and their fastest times. If omitted, player defaults to the executor. Compare mode can be one of the following:

  • Alphabet – Default. Sorts alphabetically.
  • Points – Sorts on point value, from low to high, then alphabetically.
  • Rank – Sorts on the time rank accomplished by the player, then alphabetically.
  • Completions – Sorts on the amount of completions, from low to high, then alphabetically.


/c join <map name|map code>

Joins a map

/c join <player>

Joins the map that a player is currently playing


/c points [player]

Displays the amount of FFA Points, Challenge Points, and Global Points obtained by a player. If omitted, player defaults to the executor.


/c gpoints [player] [map]

Displays the amount of Global Points a player has earned on a particular map. The higher the player’s time rank, the more gpoints they’ll have on the map. If omitted, player defaults to the executor.


/c random [new]

Warps the player to a random map. If new is present, it will warp the player to a map they have not completed before.


/c times [page] <map name|map code>

Displays the times for a map.


These pertain specifically to Challenges.


/ch daily join

Begins the daily challenge.

/ch daily info

Displays information about the currently daily challenge.


/ch hexa [player]

Displays information about a player's progress through the Hexa challenge. If player is omitted, a leaderboard for hexa stage completion is displayed instead.

/ch info  <challenge code>

Displays information about a challenge.


/ch join <challenge name|challenge code>

Begins a challenge.


/ch list [player] [page]

Displays which challenges a player has completed and which they have yet to completed. If omitted, player defaults to the executor.


/ch quit

Quits the current challenge.


/ch random

Joins a random challenge.

Blue Commands


/c hc

An alias of /c toggle. Toggles between the player's FFA and Hardcore checkpoints.


/c toggle

Toggles between the player's FFA and Hardcore checkpoints.

Green Commands

These commands are only available to greens and staff. They are used to assist in the creation of maps.


/bring <players>

Teleports a player to you who called recently. On other servers, it is commonly known as /tpaccept. Using this command will invalidate the player's timer.


/call <player>

Will request to teleport to any green or staff member. On other servers, it is commonly known as /tpa. Using this command will invalidate the player's timer.


/home [number]

Teleports the player to their home. It will teleport them to one of their homes specified. If number is omitted, the player will be teleported to their first home.
Greens can have up to 3 homes. Staff can have up to 10 homes.
Using this command will invalidate the player's timer.


/listhome (alias)

Displays all the homes the player has set.


/listwarp (alias)

Displays all the warps on Zero.


/sethome [number]

Sets the player's home to their current position. If number is specified, then it will set their Home # to their current position.


/warp <warp>

Will warp the player to a specified warp. Using this command will invalidate the player's timer.