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== 11.0 - Events & Social ==
A log of changes since the 10.0.0 Minr Scripts 2 + 1.13 update.
=== 11.1.3 (2022/11/21) ===
==== Commands ====
: Added "/checkpoint by" to list the maps created by a specific creator.
: Added length constraints to map and challenge names and map codes (32 and 10, respectively), and duplication prevention.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed scripts sometimes still using old implementations if its namespace was removed and readded.
: Fixed scripts (and functions) sometimes not recompiling if any of its contents, or its parent namespace were changed/removed/readded. (https://forums.minr.org/threads/cant-display-content-in-namespace-variables-and-scripts-dont-update-on-reimport.6461/)
: Fixed variables containing "%" not working when displayed using /namespace variables or /type fields
: Fixed being unable to set challenge modifier LIMITED_CHECKPOINTS to 0.
: Fixed not being able to reply to a chat prompt when in a no-chat region.
=== 11.1.2 (2022/08/15) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed an issue with players getting randomly kicked due to "Invalid chat signature" and similar errors.
=== 11.1.1 (2022/08/14) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: URL recognition has been updated to include .be and .sc links
=== 11.1.0 (2022/07/15) ===
: See https://forums.minr.org/threads/challenges-parties-update.6516/
=== 11.0.41 (2022/06/08) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Links in chat should now only show up for things that are actually links, and not anything with a dot.
=== 11.0.40 (2022/06/05) ===
==== Chat ====
: Links in chat now show up with an underline.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed right clicking having a cooldown between presses to activate scripts, signs, etc. Note: left-clicking still necessarily has this cooldown.
: Fixed left-clicking scripts, signs, etc. not taking into account the hitboxes of the targeted blocks.
: Messages from Discord are now filtered on more illegal characters.
: Fixed non-command Discord messages starting with . not showing up in zero chat.
: Fixed chat links from non-ops not being clickable.
=== 11.0.39 (2022/05/04) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added new methods to the Entity type:
:: Boolean addPassenger(Entity passenger)​
:: Void ejectPassengers()​
==== Maps ====
: Speedrun score is now no longer awarded for nullified times (--:--,--).
==== Commands ====
: Updated hide commands:
:: Added "/hide nonparty" to hide everyone but your party.​
:: Added "/unhide party" to unhide your party.​
:: The hidden status of party members will automatically update with your party. If the party is unhidden, and someone newly joins the party, they will be visible.​
:: Conversely, if someone leaves the party, they may be hidden when "/hide all" or "/hide nonparty" has previously been used.​
:: Hidden status of individual party members can still be overridden with /hide <player>.​
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed /unhide <player> not working when /hide all was used.
: Fixed clicking signs sometimes triggering twice.
=== 11.0.38 (2022/03/31) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed Speedrun Score not live-updating.
=== 11.0.37 (2022/03/31) ===
==== Commands ====
: Renamed "comparing" to "sortby" in /checkpoint completed, /checkpoint uncompleted, /challenge completed and /challenge uncompleted.
: Added "comparing" modifier to /checkpoint completed, /checkpoint uncompleted, /challenge completed and /challenge uncompleted to compare your completion status with another player, or your party.
:: Example:
:: "/checkpoint completed comparing rickyboy320" will show the overlapping completions of you and rickyboy320.​
:: "/checkpoint uncompleted comparing party" will show the overlapping un-completed status of you and your party.​
==== Maps ====
: Speedrun score is now also awarded for hidden FFA maps that have a non-zero point value. (For example, ANHUR 2 and 3, the later installments of DOOM-ED).
==== Challenges ====
: Challenge signs now also show completion status upon left click.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed backup lag at xx:23 by saving relative variables with a different strategy.
: Fixed /play (and equivalent) commands not resetting player state when used outside of spawn.
=== 11.0.36 (2022/03/23) ===
==== Misc ====
: Added a "Quick warp" spawn compass. It'll show up in your inventory while in spawn.
: On right click, it will open a menu that allows you to warp to the given areas in spawn.
: Menu can also be opened through /quickwarp or /play.
: Updated Cosmetic GUI:
:: Changed Cosmetic GUI to only show cosmetics you own.
:: Active cosmetics now have enchanted icons.
:: When you activate/deactivate a cosmetic the window is now closed.
:: Cosmetic windows now resize automatically.
=== 11.0.35 (2022/03/08) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed time & weather being reset to default upon joining a map, incorrectly erasing any time-locks or weather-locks for certain maps.
==== Scripts ====
: Disabled the following Player methods:
:: Void setPlayerWeather(String weather)​
:: Void resetPlayerWeather()
:: Long getPlayerTime()​
:: Long getPlayerTimeOffset()​
:: Void setPlayerTime(Long time, Boolean serverRelative)​
=== 11.0.34 (2022/03/08) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed knockback being broken due to the 1.18.2 update.
=== 11.0.33 (2022/03/08) ===
==== Update ====
: Updated to 1.18.2
: Updated all plugins to their latest 1.18.2 versions.
==== Misc ====
: Checkpoint join signs now show your completion info for the map on left click.
==== Scripts ====
: The Player type has received a number of new methods:
:: String getClickedBlockFace()​
:: String getTargetBlockFace(Int distance)​
:: Block getTargetBlock(Int distance)​
:: Entity getTargetEntity(Int distance)​
:: Boolean hasGravity()​
:: Void setGravity(Boolean gravity)​
:: Boolean isGliding()​
:: String getPlayerWeather()​
:: Void setPlayerWeather(String weather)​
:: Void resetPlayerWeather()
:: Long getPlayerTime()​
:: Long getPlayerTimeOffset()​
:: Void setPlayerTime(Long time, Boolean serverRelative)​
:: Void resetPlayerTime()​
:: Boolean dropItem(Boolean dropAll)​
=== 11.0.32 (2022/02/23) ===
==== Leaderboards ====
: Added completion leaderboard (/checkpoint ranks completion)
: Speedrun leaderboard now uses the updated formula as proposed in https://forums.minr.org/threads/speedrun-score-formula-survey.6213/
==== Commands ====
: Moved speedrun leaderboard to /checkpoint ranks speedrun
: /checkpoint uncompleted now no longer shows unassessed maps (like FFA hub, etc).
=== 11.0.31 (2022/01/23) ===
==== Update ====
: Updated to 1.18
==== Commands ====
: /challenge current now shows total number of stages.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Dots in homes now no longer corrupt the PlayerData.
: Dots in challenge names/tags now no longer corrupt the challenge.
: Fixed titles not showing up on login for mods/ops.
: Fixed another case where titles *could* sometimes detach and lay around.
: Script exports now no longer indent the script every time (proper indents).
: Fixed checkpoint being set to current stage when unsuspending a challenge, instead of checkpoint being reset to the original checkpoint.
: Hexa no longer considers 'UNASSESSED' maps, which causes hub maps to be excluded from hexa.
: Nether -> overworld portals no longer scale the coordinates by 64, now back to the vanilla 8.
=== 11.0.30 (2022/01/17) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed completion messages showing the wrong rank.
=== 11.0.29 (2022/01/12) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed rotating challenges not expiring upon rotation.
=== 11.0.28 (2022/01/10) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed repeating challenges not saving and loading properly.
: Fixed HC throwing an exception while printing the progress message.
: Fixed party serializing, potentially causing PlayerData corruption.
: Fixed 'isFirstCompletion' being inverted, causing completion messages to be sent when they shouldn't, and to not be sent when they should.
: Fixed hexa not regenerating the map list.
=== 11.0.27 (2022/01/09) ===
==== Commands ====
: Chat is now cleared when entering streamermode.
==== Storage ====
: Database migration to JSON.
==== Bugfix ====
: /c points Speedrun Score uses Challenge rank instead.
=== 11.0.26 (2021/10/03) ===
==== Hardcore ====
: Added HC support for 11.1
: Added HC conversion for 11.0 -> 11.1
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fix PlayerData cache not working.
=== 11.0.25 (2021/08/27) ===
==== Events ====
: Added purple comet mode.
=== 11.0.24 (2021/08/14) ===
==== Commands ====
: Added /motd command.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Reset more attributes when resetting (due to clicking checkpoint, etc).
=== 11.0.23 (2021/07/28) ===
==== Challenges ====
: Hexa is no longer listed in /challenge uncompleted.
==== Bugfixes ====
: /return no longer teleports you to basically the same position.
=== 11.0.22 (2021/07/18) ===
==== Hardcore ====
: Updated HC to version 11.0.
: Updated automatic conversion of HC checkpoints.
=== 11.0.21 (2021/07/10) ===
==== Server configuration ====
: Update to 1.17
==== Bugfixes ====
: /checkpoint restart is now disabled on challenges to prevent exploits.
=== 11.0.20 (2021/07/06) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed cooldowns in scripts not working.
=== 11.0.19 (2021/07/02) ===
==== Discord ====
: Extended verification code lifetime.
: Verification codes are now case-insensitive.
: Similar-looking characters have been removed (0, O, l, i).
==== Scripts ====
: Added some commands to the blacklist.
: Fixed walk/area/ground scripts triggering before a teleport has taken effect; the target-location script would trigger on the old coordinates.
: All world scripts now have an implicit 1-tick cooldown, fixing infinite recursion when teleporting into scripts.
==== Cosmetics ====
: Increased inventory size.
=== 11.0.18 (2021/05/11) ===
==== Server ====
: Upgraded to Java 16
==== Maps ====
: Added [Quit] signs.
:: These replace the return to FFA/FFA+/Valley signs ([Join ffa], [Join ffa+] and [Join valley]).
==== Extra ====
: /spawn now shows a message.
: /spawn will now warn you if you use it during a challenge that your challenge is still active.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Players are now kicked earlier during the shutdown process.
=== 11.0.17 (2021/06/01) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed mail not being supressed by /block.
=== 11.0.16 (2021/05/12) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added sum() and avg() to Int[], Long[], Float[], Double[].
=== 11.0.15 (2021/05/11) ===
==== Maps ====
: New map type system. Now the map types are split into 'Primary', 'Secondary' and 'Tertiary'.
: Only one Primary map type can be assigned.
:: /c maptype primary set <map> <type>
: Multiple secondary types can be assigned, but not the primary type.
:: /c maptype secondary add <map> <type>
:: /c maptype secondary remove <map> <type>
: Multiple tertiary types can be assigned.
:: /c maptype tertiary add <map> <type>
:: /c maptype tertiary remove <map> <type>
: Some effort of conversion has been applied, but some of the map types may need to be reset.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed -s showing instead of - in kick messages.
: /c cp and /listwarps no longer show empty lists but show a helpful message instead.
: Fixed certain ways of exiting maps not clearing your 'current map' and thus preventing you from commands like /call.
=== 11.0.14 (2021/04/25) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed cosmetics no longer showing their challenge requirement.
: Attempted a fix on renamed join messages.
: Fix legacy text conversion on signs (use of ampersands for colours).
: Fixed Material#getTranslationKey() not working since the previous update.
=== 11.0.13 (2021/04/24) ===
==== Chat ====
: Now uses the 'Adventure' chat framework.
:: Affects all messages sent by Minr, but should not result in noticeable differences.
:: Some messages now use translatable components, so they show up in the language that is set by the client.
: Display names are no longer used in bans / mutes.
==== Scripts ====
: Scripts now trigger when teleporting into them.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed 1-day durations being shown as 0 seconds instead of 24 hours.
: Prevent server deadlock when shutting down.
: Mutes and unmutes did not use the message queue.
: Commands now show the error if failing due to an unexpected error, rather than showing the help message.
=== 11.0.12 (2021/03/14) ===
==== Cosmetics ====
: Fixed challenge reward titles not saving properly.
=== 11.0.11 (2021/03/10) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Commands /c setplayercp, /c setplayersub are deprecated (should not be used) in scripts.
=== 11.0.10 (2021/03/03) ===
==== Backups ====
: Backups now trigger once an hour, instead of once every 30 minutes.
==== Commands ====
: /c info now shows the gamemode for the map for ops.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed non-adventure gamemode maps invalidating times upon joining it.
: Fixed getting healed by timing /c join just right on death.
: Fixed backup trying to save already saved items, thus improving performance by reducing the number of items that need to be processed.
=== 11.0.9 (2021/03/01) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed being able to join the same map with items / effects from the map.
=== 11.0.8 (2021/02/28) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed being able to join maps with items / effects from other maps.
=== 11.0.7 (2021/02/20) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed player.getTimePlayed() not returning a sane value: it could go back in time.
=== 11.0.6 (2021/02/18) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed infinite recursion of expiring prefixes during login.
=== 11.0.5 (2021/02/17) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: A final fix relating to ancient-player conversion resulting in invalid times.
=== 11.0.4 (2021/02/15) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: /training command was not registered, causing it to fail.
: Couple of fixes related to old-player conversion resulting in invalid times.
: Fixed players not having a valid timer when respawning at a cp0 in a no-cp stretch.
: Fixed timers not being started in soullink challenges.
=== 11.0.3 (2021/02/14) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Actually fix colour-stripping from chat.
=== 11.0.2 (2021/02/14) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Changing only the main ending of a map would not be saved.
: Improve performance of srscore calculations.
: Fix 'joined for the first time' showing up multiple times.
: Fix setSubCheckpoint using the active subcheckpoint, instead of the one that was passed. This caused issues clicking end-signs in HC maps.
=== 11.0.1 (2021/02/14) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fix hastebin links not working when clicked in chat.
: Fix /whois not working on players that haven't logged out yet.
: Attempt to fix colour-stripping from chat.
=== 11.0.0 (2021/02/13) ===
==== Maps ====
: Better map and challenge complete messages
:: now shows the time's rank always
:: shows whether it was a PB or Server Record
:: If the player is white, it shows how many points they have to go 'til blue
:: If blue and in HC, it shows how many maps left
:: If you beat HC, it shows a nice new message
:: If you get a cosmetic for beating a challenge, it now tells you that.
: Mid checkpoints can now give food.
: Maps can now be assigned a resource pack.
: Player health, max health, food, saturation, fire status and status effects are now reset on player reset.
: Player reset occurs when you join a map or do /spawn.
: Players are no longer considered to be in a map when doing /spawn. Respawning at a checkpoint will cause a player to be considered in that map.
: Players' completion percentage in /checkpoint points and the chat messages that show up when crossing a threshold are now consistent with the rarity tiers.
: /checkpoint ffa and /checkpoint hc have changed functions. These now kill you and warp you to your corresponding checkpoint.
: Reworked /checkpoint completed & merged old /checkpoint ffa into /checkpoint completed.
==== Challenges ====
: You can now suspend challenges with /challenge suspend.
: Added /challenge restart.
: Added a new challenge modifier: No Damage
: Hexa progress is now announced on every x66th stage, not just 66, 166 and 266.
: Added /challenge completed [player <player>] [page <page>] [comparing <compare-mode>]
: Added /challenge completed [player <player>] map <map-name>
: Added /challenge uncompleted [player <player>] [page <page>] [comparing <compare-mode>]
==== Timers ====
: Timers have been completely rewritten.
: There are now multiple types of timers: Map, Challenge, Custom, and Special.
: Map and Challenge timers are per-map/challenge. They only work on the map/challenge they were created for.
: Custom timers are created and managed by scripts with the 'timer' namespace..
: The time format has been modified:
:: It is mm:ss.mmm when the time is less than an hour.
:: It is HHh mm:ss.mmm when the time is less than a day.
:: It is DDd HHh mm:ss.mmm otherwise.
==== Chat ====
: Chat channels have been added.
:  /chat say <channel> <message> to send a message in a particular channel.
:: Shorthands are /xchat <message> (e.g. /gchat = global chat, /pchat = party chat, /tchat = team chat).
:: /chat setchannel <channel> to have your messages go to a particular channel by default.
: /chatpling was renamed to /chat ping enable|disable and is now no longer a toggle.
: You can now hide chat:
:: The server now respects your chat options.
:: /chat hide (inverse: /chat show)
==== Parties ====
: /party create to create a party.
:: The creator of the party becomes the party leader.
: The party leader can invite others players to join with /party invite <player>.
: You can see the death messages of your fellow party members.
: When a party leader joins a map or challenge, all the party members will be warped to that map.
:: Can be turned off with /party warp false
:: The party leader can summon all party members to their current map or challenge at any time with /party summon.
==== Green commands ====
: /call-ing into a map will reset your gamemode, health etc.
: Blues and whities can now /bring.
: You can only /call a player in a pure parkour map.
==== Scripts ====
: Player#canSee(Player) returns if the player can see the target player (i.e., /hide and /block cause it to fail).
: Player constructors will now return null instead of throwing an exception if they do not find a player.
: Added a new constructor for Player: Player(String name, Player visibleTo). It will return null if a player was found but is not visible to visibleTo.
: Player#invalidate() and Player#invalidateTime() have been removed.
:: Replaced by getting a timer directly and invalidating / nullifying them.
: You can obtain timers:
:: timer::getMapTimer(Player player, String mapcode)
:: timer::getChallengeTimer(Player player, String challengecode)
:: timer::getCustomTimer(Player player, String tag)
:: timer::getSpecialTimer(Player player, String tag)
: You can construct custom timers by instantiating the timer::Timer type.
::  Never store a Timer instance in a namespace variable. It will break on you silently. ALWAYS use timer::getCustomTimer().
: You can remove custom timers with timer::removeCustomTimer(Player player, String tag)
: You can format a time into a string using String timer::formatTime(Long time).
: Added namespace minr. It has a Map and a Challenge type, that allows you to get the ranks and times of players.
: /namespace functions and /type methods now have added colour for parsability.
: Added filtering in /namespace variables, /namespace functions, /type methods, /type fields.
:: You can now filter the results of the above commands by adding additional search terms after the command. For example, /type methods Vector3[] value int will only return methods that cantain "value" and "int".
==== Misc ====
: You can edit signs with a feather.
: Fixed /unhide not working.
: /hide all hides all players.
: /unhide all unhides all players.
: /block blocks a player permanently (until /unblock-ed).
:: Cannot hide staff.
: Mute and ban messages now show the time remaining.
: Chat announcment for mutes.
: Cleaned up chat announcements for kick and ban.
==== Bugfixes ====
: /reply now no longer silently fails if the target (who is a player) has relogged without messaging you after the fact. This bug has been present since 2015.
: Fixed a discrepancy between chat and Discord for first-time join messages.
: The default prompt expiration message is now correctly coloured and the extra space was removed.
== 10.7 - Scripts 2.3 ==
=== 10.7.6 (2020/12/02) ===
==== Chat & Tab ====
: Added op-only /nick command to set nicknames. Works the same as /prefix.
: Nicknames will show up with a prefixed ~.
: Hovering over the nickname will show the original name.
=== 10.7.5 (2020/11/30) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Op messages containing {{}} will now only send the result to the executing op.
==== Chat & Tab ====
: Tab display name now matches the chat name (including prefixes).
=== 10.7.4 (2020/11/24) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed interact scripts triggering multiple times ib rapid succession.
=== 10.7.3 (2020/11/22) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed interact scripts on cauldrons or waterloggable blocks not triggering on right click.
=== 10.7.2 (2020/11/21) ===
==== Hardcore ====
: Bumped Hardcore version to 10.2.
: Add 10.1 -> 10.2 Hardcore checkpoint conversion.
=== 10.7.1 (2020/11/21) ===
==== Maps, Challenges and Scripts ====
: Map, checkpoint, and finish signs, and interact scripts, are now interactable with MOUSE1 (left mouse button), while in adventure mode.
==== Scripts ====
: Added boxing/unboxing (on the backend) to make maintaining builtin functions easier. Should not affect any of the behaviour.
==== Server Configuration ====
: Added some mod filtering.
=== 10.7.0 (2020/11/12) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added new generic functions on List. Generic means that they can take any Type within constraints. In the following T will be the base type of your list (i.e., String[] -> T = String).
:: Void append(T value) appends a value to the List.
:: Void add(T value, Int index) places a value at an index, shifting the elements at that index and higher one index up.
:: T pop() removes the last element of the list and returns it.
:: T remove(Int index) removes the element at index from the list and returns it.
:: Boolean contains(T value) returns whether the list contains an element that equals value.
:: Int find(T value) returns the first index that matches the value. Throws a ElementNotFoundException if the value is not in the list. (Tip: always use contains before find)
: Two functions have been added specifically for String[]:
:: String concat() concatenates a list of Strings together: String["hello", "world"].concat() yields "helloworld".
:: String join(String delimiter) joins a list of string, inserting delimiter between each string: String["hello", "world"].join(" ") yields "hello world".
== 10.6 - Scripts 2.2 ==
=== 10.6.11 (2020/11/03) ===
==== Server Configuration ====
: Update to 1.16.4
=== 10.6.10 (2020/10/28) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added traces to help find the cause of an exception in a Script. Only works for opped players.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fix NullPointerException on Materials that are Null.
: Optimize script execution to reduce the chance of a StackOverflowError.
=== 10.6.9 (2020/10/26) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Actually store and load Material to/from file.
=== 10.6.8 (2020/10/24) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: DiscordBot is now independent of discord server name, previously causing discord requests to fail due to the server name changing.
: Any issues with deverification are now properly logged.
: Fixed serialization of Position
=== 10.6.7 (2020/10/13) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Allow deverification even if Discord user can no longer be found.
=== 10.6.6 (2020/10/11) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed /scripts copy and /scripts paste not working when pasting in a different world.
=== 10.6.5 (2020/10/09) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added Material type
=== 10.6.4 (2020/10/01) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Re-calculate player display names on rank change.
: Fix crash when calling toString() on a default Position variable (one without a value).
: Fix calling toString() on a default Location variable returning 'null null null null' instead of 'null'.
: Fix obj == null where obj is set to null or uninitialized not functioning properly.
=== 10.6.3 (2020/09/23) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fix portal scaling when going from an overworld to a nether being 64:1 instead of 8:1.
=== 10.6.2 (2020/09/12) ===
==== Worlds ====
: Added Delta 2.
=== 10.6.1 (2020/08/29) ===
==== Hardcore ====
: Bumped Hardcore version to 10.1.
: Add 10.0 -> 10.1 Hardcore checkpoint conversion.
: Add support for forcing a player to respawn at their Hardcore checkpoint upon conversion, even if it hasn't moved.
=== 10.6.0 (2020/08/18) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added new built-in spatial types:
:: Position(Double x, Double y, Double z, Float yaw, Float pitch, String world)
:: Location(Double x, Double y, Double z, String world)
:: Vector3(Double x, Double y, Double z)
:: Vector2(Double x, Double z)
:: BlockLocation(Int x, Int y, Int z, String world)
:: BlockVector3(Int x, Int y, Int z)
:: BlockVector2(Int x, Int z)
:: Region(String id, String world, String type, X points, Boolean transient)
::: These all have methods, too innumerable to mention here.
::: See [https://forums.minr.org/threads/scripts-2-2-new-spatial-types.4563/ this forum post] for a short overview.
: Added Location player.getLocation(), Position player.getPosition() and BlockLocation block.getLocation().
: Added Player.teleport(Position destination) and Entity.teleport(Position destination).
: Added BlockLocation.set(String block)
: Overhauled scripts loading and internal structure.
: Added String player.getName()
: Added String player.getDisplayName()
==== Commands ====
: /prefix now shows <colour> when setting a prefix consisting of only a colour, i.e. /prefix set rickyboy320 10m &6
==== Chat ====
: Player names are now stored in proper text components.
: As a consequence, keeping the colon colour of player names in chat consistent with the name colour was disproportionately difficult, so it is now white. (i.e. rickyboy320: hello world).
== 10.5 - The Bakery ==
=== 10.5.5 (2020/07/30) ===
==== Commands ====
: Added /challenge modifier set <player> <modifier> <value> to set a player's modifier value mid-challenge.
: Added /challenge modifier add <player> <modifier> <value> to add a value to a player's modifier (i.e. life challenge).
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed @chatscript timeout resetting newer instances of the same group (even when the timeout shouldn't trigger).
: Fixed an issue where sometimes a value would be rejected due to 'self-cycle', even though there was none.
=== 10.5.4 (2020/07/24) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Added Int player.countItem(String id).
: Added Boolean util::executeAndQuerySuccess(String command) and Int util::executeAndQueryResult(String command).
: Added String util::randomUUID() to randomly generate an UUID.
: format::formatDate now uses a timezone of UTC, so you can use more formats.
=== 10.5.3 (2020/07/24) ===
==== Server Configuration ====
: Updated to 1.16.1.
=== 10.5.2 (2020/07/06) ===
==== Privacy ====
: Messages are now sent to the (private) #zero_archive channel as well, allowing for periodic wipes of the public #zero channel.
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed a bug where certain player settings would not be saved if modifed while the player was offline (e.g. from discord).
: Fix potential data loss if an error occurred during start up.
=== 10.5.1 (2020/06/16) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed a bug where logout messages would show even when they were supposed to be hidden.
=== 10.5.0 (2020/06/15) ===
==== Scripts ====
: Scripts are no longer triggered while the player is in spectator mode.
==== Commands ====
: /players now sorts by rank, and player names are now coloured by their rank.
: Disabled certain functionality on the test server, for privacy and secrecy reasons. Greens will be unaffected by this.
==== Hardcore ====
: Players now retain their Hardcore checkpoint at Hall of Fame (HC-END) on conversion, rather than being removed.
: Players now are blocked from entering Hardcore if their Hardcore checkpoint is at Hall of Fame, or if they have no Hardcore checkpoint but have completed Jiga's Claymaze.
==== Chat ====
: The format of player join and quit messages has been changed to match Vanilla (the exclamation point has been replaced with a full stop).
: The player's rank is now displayed during first-time join messages.
: First-time join messages will no longer be shown if they are not of default rank, even if they have no existing player data.
== 10.4 - Scripts 2.1 ==
=== 10.4.13 (2020/06/14) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed players being set to Blue on map complete if they satisified the blue requirements, regardless of their rank.
=== 10.4.12 (2020/06/14) ===
==== Ranks ====
: Blue now requires 100 points (up from 35).
: Blue now requires at least 5 or more maps completed of Moderate or greater difficulty.
==== Hardcore ====
: Incremented Hardcore version from 9.0 -> 10.0.
: Implemented Hardcore checkpoint conversion for 9.0 -> 10.0.
: Improved conversion of checkpoints from 7.0, 8.0 and 8.1.
==== Commands ====
: Added /checkpoint remplayercp <player> <mode>, to remove a player's checkpoint.
: Updated /help ranks to reflect the new blue requirements and better convery rank-up requirements.
=== 10.4.11 (2020/06/05) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed array initializers of 2 or more elements failing to parse inline (as an argument for a function calls or within a subexpression).
: Fixed 'silent' error when a script line containing a '%' contains an error.
: Fixed pi being accepted as a variable name: it should have been a keyword.
: Fixed error message saying 'missing right-side operator', while actually the left side was missing.
== Upcoming ==
: 11.0 - Everything And The Kitchen Sink (releasing sometime in 2020)
: 12.0 - Commands Overhaul
=== 10.4.10 (2020/05/19) ===
=== 10.4.10 (2020/05/19) ===
Line 809: Line 9:
: /creative is now accessible by moderators.
: /creative is now accessible by moderators.
: /tps is now available for greens+.
: /tps is now available for greens+.
==== Bugfixes ====
==== Bugfixes ====
: Fixed an issue where variables in a namespace A using a type from namespace B sometimes fail to load their fields. (If namespace A was loaded before namespace B).
: Fixed an issue where variables in a namespace A using a type from namespace B sometimes fail to load their fields. (If namespace A was loaded before namespace B).
== 10.4 - Scripts 2.1 ==
=== 10.4.9 (2020/05/14) ===
=== 10.4.9 (2020/05/14) ===
==== Maps ====
==== Maps ====
Line 1,017: Line 216:
: Fixed c_dric's bug, where setting a field would spawn multiple script runners (causing delays to be skipped).
: Fixed c_dric's bug, where setting a field would spawn multiple script runners (causing delays to be skipped).
: Fixed tab-completion of namespaces only showing namespaces that begin with lowercase letters.
: Fixed tab-completion of namespaces only showing namespaces that begin with lowercase letters.
== 10.3 - Cosmetics Part 2 ==
== 10.3 - Cosmetics Part 2 ==
Line 1,286: Line 484:
== 10.1 - Difficulty Rework ==
== 10.1 - Difficulty Rework ==
=== 10.1.5 (2019/01/08) ===
=== 10.1.5 (2019/01/08) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
==== Bugfix ====
Fixed repeating challenges subtracting challenge points.
Fixed repeating challenges subtracting challenge points.
=== 10.1.4 (2019/01/08) ===
=== 10.1.4 (2019/01/08) ===
==== Bugfixes ====
==== Bugfix ====
Fixed repeating challenges having an extreme reward.
Fixed repeating challenges having an extreme reward.
Line 1,316: Line 514:
==== Bugfixes ====
==== Bugfix ====
Fixed an error when regenerating a challenge before the leaderboard is setup.
Fixed an error when regenerating a challenge before the leaderboard is setup.

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