Treasure Vault

Treasure Vault
Treasure Vault.png
The Entrance to the Vault
Map information
Reward 2 FFA Points
Difficulty Easy
Location FFA
Mapcode trv
Creator Bird_Obsession
Food None
Publication June 5, 2020

Treasure Vault is a pure maze map by Bird_Obsession. It rewards 2 FFA Points upon completion, and can be joined directly using “/join trv”.



Treasure Vault is an elitist maze of moderate size. Players roam through interconnected rooms filled with valuable blocks, some of which may block your path. Though the maze isn't very large, it is easy to get disoriented and lost in the maze.


The starting room is composed of a floor made of various stone-like blocks, and walls of green and lime terracotta. The corners of the walls contain a lava stream blocked by more stone blocks and iron bars.

Each vault room falls into one of three categories:

Gold rooms: Rooms decorated with gold blocks, yellow concrete powder, and desert-themed blocks.

Emerald rooms: Rooms decorated with emerald blocks, lime concrete powder, and grassy blocks.

Lapis rooms: Rooms decorated with lapis blocks, blue concrete powder, and prismarine-themed blocks.


This map is featured in 4 challenges: Hexa Chapter II: The Renaissance, Easy Maze Pack, 2020 Assortment, and The Amazeingly Painful Marathon.


  • Treasure vault is located on the Nether roof, a few dozen blocks from another map by Bird_Obsession, Calamity.
    • The reason for this is that the creator wanted a flat area to build upon.

See all maps from Bird_Obsession