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#REDIRECT [[Command List]]
This thread hopes to list out most of the commands that whities currently have access to.
: '''/c, /cp, /mcp, /checkpoint, /minrcheckpoint'''
This is one of the most basic Minr plugin commands. It allows you to join maps. This command is somewhat restricted due to sub-commands requiring administrator permissions. The following are allowed to whitie ranked players who do /c ___
#completed (player) [MapName/MapCode] - This shows if the player has completed the defined map, how many times they have, their fastest time, and their speedrun ranking.
#ffa - This shows a list of what maps they have completed, each with their personal fastest time, their speedrun ranking, and number of times they have completed each map. A page of /c ffa can hold a maximum of 8 maps, and if the player has more than 8 maps beaten they can change their page by clicking the arrow at the bottom of the message or doing /c ffa (page number). The /c ffa listing process can also be changed, but by default will list maps in alphabetical order by map name. To change this click on the sorting method at the bottom of the /c ffa message or do /c ffa (page number) (sorting method). /c ffa has 4 different sorting methods it cycles through: Alphabet -> Points -> Rank -> Completions
#hc - This changes if you use [[FFA]] or [[HC]] checkpoints. Doesn't matter with this rank.
#times [MapName/MapCode] - Displays the top times, listed from fastest to slowest, for the defined map.
: '''/ch, /challenge, /challenges, /minrchallenge, /minrchallenges'''
This is another Minr plugin command. Anything to do with this command involves [[Challenges]]. The following is what whitie ranked players can do with /ch _
#daily [info/join] - This allows the player to see the maps currently listed for the daily challenge with /ch daily info. /ch daily join allows the player to compete in the daily challenge.
#hexa (player) - This displays the farthest stage the specified user has gotten to in the hexa challenge.
#info [Challenge] - Displays the maps in the Challenge specified. Currently the challenges beginner, daily###, hard, hell, hexa, intermediate, oldhc exist.
#join [Challenge] - Enters the player into the Challenge specified. Currently the challenges beginner, daily###, hard, hell, hexa, intermediate, oldhc exist.
#list (player) - Displays all of the challenges, their reward, and if the specified player has completed them or not. Completed challenges are in gold.
#quit - Allows the play to quit the challenge.
#random - Makes the player join a random challenge.
: '''/help'''
This command displays basic help for the server's unique mechanics. It displays this message upon the command running:
Welcome to the MINR help menu. Please pick a topic by clicking on it:
<span style="color: orange"> Quitting A Map
<span style="color: orange"> Rules
<span style="color: orange"> Server
<span style="color: orange"> Donating
<span style="color: orange"> Ranks
<span style="color: orange"> Hardcore
<span style="color: orange"> FFA
<span style="color: orange"> Map Types
<span style="color: orange"> I found a bug/I have some feedback
<span style="color: gray"> If you need more help, go to forums.minr.org/FAQ or ask someone in chat!
Each of the orange colors has a click event that displays it's sub-help message.
: '''/kill'''
Kills the player. ...That's it.
: '''/m, /msg, /tell, /message, /whisper, /minecraft:tell'''
This allows the player to message someone else
: '''/mail, /note'''
Sends a messages to the username (if valid). Works if they are online or not.
: '''minecraft:me'''
Sends a message that is similar to a normal text, but with an asterisk.
Says Pong!, then shows you how long it took to process in milliseconds.
: '''/spawn'''
This is the most basic and helpful command whities have, which teleports them to the spawn area the player begins in. The current spawn being used is MintySpawn
: '''/t'''
Sends a message to everyone on your team (if you're in one).
: '''/whois'''
Tells the player information about their self in relation to the server.

Latest revision as of 01:43, 12 August 2017

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