
Revision as of 05:01, 29 July 2017 by Rmanimal (talk | contribs) (First part of the Forums Page created.)
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General Info

The Forums is a place where Minr players can chat to each other without being on the server and have conversations without fear of it disappearing from the chat bar. It is also used to announce server events and other future changes. The forums is divided into several different sections and has a multitude of features.

Home Tab

Server Status

The server status part of the Home Tab has a few different functions. The blinking green square means the server is online, and if it's red it is offline. It also contains Minr's Server IP, the number of players online (maximum 100) and the average ping the server has.

Voting Header

This is a small section where you can vote for the server by clicking on the link.

Advertising Section

High Detail images are shown and a small caption about joining the server is here.


Minr has a discord channel. To join it all you have to do is click the Connect button. You can also see if people are in the voice channels on discord.

I want to... tab

This is where you can get help on the most common things people want to do on discord. It contains:

  • I want to post a ban appeal
  • I want to report a player
  • I have completed Hardcore
  • I have a question?
  • I want to report a bug

Members online now

Here you can see all the registered forum users online currently, and you can see how many bots and guests are online here.


This is a collection of the 3 most recently announced changes/events. There is a plus icon at the bottom of each one to see the article/thread. You can also click the continue button to read the full article.

Today's Active Users

You can see the most recent online users by name in order of most to least recent in the past 24 hours.

Forum Statistics

You can see the total discussions, messages, members, User record, and latest member here.

New Profile Posts

You can see the most recent profile posts here. If you're logged in you can also update your status here.

Thread List

You can see the 4 most recent threads in either All areas, Minr related areas, or Off Topic areas.