Eiffel Tower

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Original article written by Zatharel

I have to admit, after making the Sphinx with Destructo and putting it in the museum, I wanted to do as many of these projects as possible. They felt a lot easier than maps, so why not make them instead? So then I said to myself "Hey, why not make an Eiffel Tower?" and just found a spot to build.

I was struggling a lot figuring out the design of the tower. I tried basing it off this PMC build, though it didn't help much. After a while I just...gave up on the project and focused on other things a bit more. When I was finally getting bored out of my mind (a few months after?) I decided to finish it up.

I did about a few days building on it the second run, but then something was off, the bottom part looked awkward when connecting to the upper part, so eh, I got it raised a bit and started working around that. It took a lot of WorldEdit help (and if I recall correctly someone messed up...badly... >.>), but I finally managed to finish it around June 9th.

It is currently located in the Buildings room on the lower floor of the museum.