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local z = {} function z.random( frame ) first = tonumber(frame.args[1]) -- if it doesn't exist it's NaN, if not a number it's nil second = tonumber(frame.args[2]) if first then -- if NaN or nil, will skip down to final return if first <= second then -- could match if both nil, but already checked that first is a number in last line return math.random(first, second) end return math.random(first) end return math.random() end function z.precision( frame ) return z._precision( frame.args[1] or frame.args.x or '0' ) end -- Determines precision of a number using the string representation function z._precision( x ) x = string.upper( x ) local decimal = string.find( x, '.', 1, true ) local exponent = string.find( x, 'E', 1, true ) local result = 0; if exponent ~= nil then exponent = string.sub( x, exponent + 1 ) x = string.sub( x, 0, exponent ) result = result - tonumber( exponent ) end if decimal ~= nil then result = result + string.len( x ) - decimal return result end local pos = string.len( x ); while x:byte(pos) == string.byte('0') do pos = pos - 1 result = result - 1 if pos <= 0 then return 0 end if x:byte(pos) == string.byte('.') then pos = pos - 1 end end return result end return z