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An index of many of the useful resources greenies have.
New Greenies
So, You're A Greenie! What Now? -- an introductory guide for new greenies.
Minr Mapmaking - Tools of the Trade -- an introduction to the basic tools available to greenies for mapmaking.
/warp theta
-- to get creative mode.
/call <player>
-- to request to teleport to a player.
/sethome [home name]
-- to set a personal warp point.
/home [home name]
-- to warp to a previously defined warp point.
-- to list all warp points you have created.
Discord -- our Discord server.
The Forums -- lots of useful resources here and good for discussions that last more than an hour. Feel free to create new threads too! The forums may seem scary but the people there are the same greenies you talk with on Discord so don't worry about it.
#staff-requests -- if you ever want staff to do something for you, like import a script or fix some typo you found, create a thread here.
Report Player -- the form for reporting players. It is preferred you use this form over #staff-requests so we can track reports. Reports submitted through the form are also only visible to staff, unlike #staff-requests.
The Helpdesk -- for submitting suggestions, filing bug reports, and getting help. Easier to track long-term than Discord.
Server Rules (Greenies) -- there are a couple of new rules that govern your new powers so make sure you're aware of them.
/warp banme
-- for when you need an enforced break.
Map Playing
Reward Proposals -- a form to use to propose changing the assigned difficulty of a map or challenge.
Board Master Post (Reward Proposals) -- the protocol for submitting reward proposals. If you intend to submit a proposal you should read this.
@Tester Role -- lets you get pinged when someone wants testers for something.
To start creating a map, find an empty patch of land in Theta that is not nearby any other structures.
Making a Good Map: A Comprehensive Guide -- a list of things to keep in mind when creating maps.
Board Master Post (Secret Map Guidelines) -- guidelines on how secret maps are handled.
Board Master Post (Red+ Maps) -- red and black maps have additional requirements to be accepted into FFA, laid out here.
@Tester & @Builder Roles -- lets you ping people when you want builders or testers, and lets you get pinged when someone wants a builder or a tester.
Project Pledges -- finish your project by the deadline or embarrass yourself on the Internet.
Project Pickup -- send your beloved project to a new home, or adopt someone else's project.
Minecraft: Java Edition - Hotkeys -- useful keyboard shortcuts.
The debug stick has arrived -- how to use the debug stick while building.
Region flags have arrived -- how to modify flags on your own regions.
Region Flags -- a comprehensive guide to region flags: what flags exist, how they work, and how you can use them. Note some flags can only be set by admins (use #staff-requests to ask for them).
is an additional flag provided not listed on the above page. It gives players the ability to fly in survival and adventure mode.
MCStacker -- a site for generating commands of all varieties (/summon, /setblock, /playsound, /title, and more).
-- brings up a custom head browser.
/hdb search <query>
-- search for a custom head.
/phead <player>
-- get the head of a specific player.
Flint (item) -- armour stand editor. Click in the air to select the adjustment you wish to make, then click an amour stand to make that adjustment. An admin is required to make armour stands invisible.
/warp chillshop
-- obtain a variety of technical blocks.
Pixel Shape Generator -- a tool for creating circles, triangles, spirals, and other weird shapes.
Adding Custom Music to Maps -- how to play custom sounds and music in maps.
How To Enable Knockback -- how to enable knockback for players.
Publishing a Map -- a user-friendly guide to the map review process.
Board Master Post (The Board Protocol) -- the full detailed description of the map review process.
Map Submissions -- the map submission form.
Board Review Guidelines -- guidelines for writing reviews.
Board Master Post (Applying to the Board) -- how to apply to become a Board member.
Test Server -- you can practice scripting on our dedicated test server.
paste.minr.org -- a web-based text editor useful for writing scripts and importing them.
VSCode extension -- an extension to Visual Studio Code that provides syntax highlighting, tab completion, and shortcuts for uploading files to paste.minr.org.
/minr uuid
while looking at an entity -- gives you the UUID of an entity.
Scripts Subforum -- a repository of useful scripts other players have written that you can use, among other things.
#scripting -- a Discord channel for getting help with scripts. No question is too basic for this channel.
MSC Documentation (WIP) -- the documentation for our scripting language, MSC.
Built-in Namespaces & Global Types -- a list of namespaces and types provided by the server.
/namespace functions <namespace> [filter]
-- view all functions in a namespace. If filter
is provided, it only returns functions that contain filter
in the name. Similar commands also exist for variables and types.
/type methods [namespace] <type> [filter]
-- view all methods on a type. If filter
is provided, it only returns methods that contain filter
in the name. Similar commands also exist for fields and constructors.
Formatting codes -- a reference of the different colours and styles you can apply to messages sent with @player
. Note you can use &
instead of §
allows you to use any colour with the given hex value.
Scripts with rman!
An introduction to scripting for people with no experience in six parts (beginner).
- Basic Script Understanding
- Activators in the world
- Script Type Terror
- Hastebin Horrors
- Local-Based Variables
- Built-in Complex Data Types
Tutorial (beginner) -- a tutorial included in the documentation. Slightly broader than *Scripts with rman!* but not as deep.
Functions! A How-To Guide (intermediate) -- what functions are and how to create your own.
Custom Types - A Comprehensive Guide (advanced) -- what custom types are and how to create your own.
Event Hosting
Hosting an Event - Rules and Requirements -- guidelines you need to follow when hosting an on-server event.
Minr Mafia Subforum -- resources for hosting Mafia and signing up to host Mafia.