Global Ranking


Global Ranking is a system which ranks anyone who has joined the server. Global Ranking is determined by a players Speedrun Score. While the internal algorithm is not inherently clear, it is known that number of map completions and speed of completion relative to other times factor into the algorithm. The points related to global ranking/speedrun score are often shorthanded to srscore.

General Commands[edit]

Speedrun Score from a given map[edit]

/c srscore <player> <map>

This command displays the amount of Speedrun Score obtained from a given map for the username. <player> substitutes for a username (e.g. Hypotenuse67), and <map> substitutes for a map code. A map code must be used for <map>

Ranking Leaderboard[edit]

/c ranks speedrun <page>

This command displays the leaderboard or Global Ranking, organized from the most to the least amount of Speedrun Score. <page> is not required to specify, but it will automatically display the first page of the leaderboard. Each page displays 8 players (and therefore the first page has the top 8). Running the basic command will result in a message similar to this:

[MCP] Top Ranking Players:
1: andershma / 5126
2: rebplane / 5025
3: rmanimal / 4286
4: lomour / 3988
5: Edan456 / 3904
6: TheHexer / 3672
7: The_Fire_Ghoul / 3569
8: Bananbulle / 2963
 Page 1 / 1087. Click the arrows to go to the next
or previous page. -->